The holidays are upon us.
We will all experience the good, bad & ugly of it all. Hopefully, more good than bad but you never know!
Expectations tend to run high.
Stress of all the preparation & expectation.
We all know it too well, yet how many times do we say this year will be different.
Well, truthfully it is different!
There will never be another Thanksgiving like this one however you celebrate it! It is one of a kind...the question is though...will it be the Good, Bad or Ugly! There's the rub!
Sometimes, no matter how hard we TRY to make it good it may not be.
Maybe the key is take a step back, do what you can to make it good and watch what happens next. There may be absolutely nothing you can do if others around you need to experience a bad or ugly holiday. Ahhh...But you ask me..Who needs that? Apparently some people do. Some just don't know how to have a good time..maybe because of their own past..or expectations or whatever is happening for them at the moment. Just because somebody else experiences a horrible holiday doesn't mean it has to spoil yours.
Find a little something to be amused by for just one moment. Step outside on that Glorious Holiday and breathe a sigh of relief.
Yep, I'm still here. Life goes on and everything really will be OK, even if it is only for this moment. If we know in that one moment that all is OK it will help us when things aren't OK!