What a year. It was the beginning for me of writing this Blog. There will be more changes to come but isn't that what time always brings. More changes.
I am sure that 2010 will have it's changes to blow through our lives.
I pray that the winds of change will be gentle and kind to anyone who is reading this. We all need a gentle breeze to move us that much further in our lives. Hopefully, lift us up when we are down and the gusts will be at our back.
You see, there is one thing you can count on living in Roswell..the Wind!
Ha, just ask any local.
Seemed that we had alot of tough wind this past year. In fact, one of my friends calls the wind we had about a month or so ago..the Hurricane!
Everyone in town will know what you're talking about. That wind blew out electricity and some windows at the Petroleum building.
Yet, here we all stand together on the brink of a New Year.
So, a toast to 2010.
May we each have courage to face the wind that will blow through our lives and may it lift us to higher ground!