Monday, March 15, 2010

Yep, the Ides of March

It is a rainy day in Roswell today.  The daffodils across the street seem to be happy.  It just seems like an every day Monday. 
Nothing special to be inspired by. 
 An ordinary day, with ordinary thoughts. 
 What's for lunch?    Time to get more kitty litter. 
 Yet, there is always something stirring in the mind...stirring in the wind...or maybe it is just March Madness!

  I had the pleasure of seeing Alice in Wonderland.  I was never much of a fan of Alice like my sister was.  Probably because I was too young to understand the story! 
 Oh, but how familiar it all seemed while I was watching the Wonderland unfold. 
I guess we all feel at one time or another, that we have fallen down the proverbial "Rabbit" hole. 
Nothing makes sense and it seems the rules have all changed ~and we think of what to do now? 

 Life seems to unfold very much like a dream..and we must continue to become more and more ourselves.  That person is  a surprise even to ourselves!   Like Alice, who knew herself, yet said that she could never slay the "dragon" !  But Alice did do exactly that! 

 So, however much you know about yourself ...realize that there is even more! 
 There is always more to you than you could even imagine! 
 Life will go about revealing that to you! 
 Just as sure as I am sitting here in Roswell on this rainy day. 
 Don't be surprised if you wake up one morning and realize that you are more than you could have ever dreamed of being....

Friday, March 5, 2010


Oh, No...What a week it has been in Roswell.  Not only do we have a new Mayor almost all of the City Counsel incumbents were defeated! 
Well, to help us through all of these changes, Blue Bell Ice Cream!
Yep, right hear in Roswell!!  
I was strolling through Farmer's Market on North Main and Lo & Behold.
A big hand painted sign...NEW ITEM!!  
Much to my Joy and Horror Blue Bell was in front of me in Big Gallon containers. 
O what I wouldn't give for a little bit of summer. 
But a GALLON??
I would need to immediately start training for the half  marathon again!  It still wouldn't work off  how much a Gallon would put on my hips!! 
So, with a deep sigh..I walked on by..."make believe that you don't see the tears just let me be..just walk on by....
...goodbye"...Dionne Warwick sang it much better than I. 
Well, Good bye Sam Lagrone and all the others...if you're needing some by Farmer's before their all sold out!  If your celebrating all the new changes in City Government well then..can't think of a better way than a Big Gallon of Blue Bell!!  Me?  I'll just keep walking!

After thought:
Those of you who are not familiar with Blue Bell..well is the closest thing to eating homemade Ice Cream I have ever had...yep, the home cranked stuff!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Counting Blessings!

1. Roof over head.                 Check
2. Food in fridge & pantry.     Check
3. Electricity & running water. Check
4. Health.                               Check
5. Loved ones, safe ok.          Check

That's just a few blessings that I have taken for granted until this year.
Witnessing the tremendous tragedy in Haiti & now Chili.
Eerily, I watched the coast of Hawaii this weekend on CNN waiting for the tsunami.  Fortunately, it never appeared.  This technology is amazing.

"It's a small world after all"

Our hearts and our wallets go out to those suffering .  Yet, it is the neighbors that really make a difference in Crisis like these.  It's those that are in the midst of all the destruction that can offer the helping hand and be an angel of blessing and salvation.  I pray for those angels to be with those who are suffering ..who have no shelter..