Thursday, May 13, 2010


Evenness of Mind.  Neither elated nor depressed.  Balance.  In a world that seems chaotic at times equanimity is needed.  Whether you're living in an Alien City or just feeling alienated.

Finding that  Peace sometimes is the challenge.  I believe that it is there within us.  A God given gift that we must nurture.
Setting limits to how much chaotic thought rummages around in our brains is one way!  Paying attention to all the chatter around us and realizing it doesn't have to be a part of us.
There is that part within each of us that can settle into that Peace.
I went to the mountains for the weekend.  The sound of the wind blowing through the trees reminded me of the sound of the ocean. The ocean and the wind are powerful forces. The wind cannot be seen but it can be heard and felt.  Even though it was a blustery wind..... I felt a Peace flood over me that I have not felt for a very long time.
Sometimes we have to struggle... and try ....and push.... to "make" things happen or prevent something from happening.  That is the nature of life.... birth.....death...and it seems that as I was pondering our dilemma here on this planet, a psalm came to me...really it was the song..

Because the Lord is my Shepard, I have everything that I need. He lets me rest in meadows green and leads beside the quiet streams.  He keeps on giving life to me and helps me to do what honors Him the most.Even when walking through the dark valley of death.  I will never be afraid for He is close beside me.  Guarding, Guiding all the way .  He spreads a feast before me.  In the presence of my enemies He welcomes me as his special guest.  With blessings over flowing ..His goodness and unfailing Kindness shall be with me all of my life and afterwards I will live with Him forever ..forever in his home.

Powerful things are happening around town...some for good, some so very tragic. Globally, also!  We each need to find that Anchor or know that a Shepard is watching out for us...closely watching.
  We must listen for that voice..find that Equanimity and truly feel at peace, no matter what circumstances may arise.

It reminds me of a friend of mine who inspired me to blog.  She and her hubby are experiencing a new life on the water.  She is so watchful of every new sound of her boat ..aware of the wind... of the water.  Awareness is the beginning of Equanimity.  Aware and steady as you go,my friends!