One of my hobbies is Astrology. There are some interesting aspects happening in the sky this week that I thought I would blog about. I will try and keep away from astrological terms but rather focus on the flavor of what is occurring. No doubt, though, that everyone is feeling a bit of this trans formative energy floating around in their lives with more intensity.
We have an opportunity to respond to sudden changes that might be out of our control or we might feel compelled to make sudden changes in our lives.
The most important thing to remember during these very interesting times is to see the consequences down the line for the decisions you make this week. It is best to stay with the Truth of a situation!
Sometimes, we hide the truth even from ourselves. If we are preoccupied it is very easy to over look what is happening right in front of our eyes.
So, take a moment to step back from your life. Re-evaluate where you are at and what direction you want to go. Find the truth! There will be a Divine Plan revealed to you!
Your life is more than your own to direct. You fit into a bigger picture. A picture of your family, your community, your spark of light that affects everyone your life touches! You Matter in the scheme of things...never think you don't. Ha, a self-deception. On the opposite side of the coin, you are not the center of the Universe either. This goes back to the saying, "You're very special, just like everyone else!"
The astrological energy exaggerates our feelings and it might surprise you to see that this energy opens doors that you might have thought were closed or on the other hand closes opportunities and suddenly sends you in a surprisingly different direction. It is the "Surprise" element that is the most prominent. I pray for Happy Surprise moments for each of you this week.
If that door shuts though, just know it is for the best!
It is a time of Faith & Hope!