Monday, September 27, 2010

Turn, Turn, Turn

There is a the song goes, so goes life!
I can't believe where this month has gone.  I have completed a few home projects and this weekend I finished a 1000 piece puzzle that was given to me for my birthday this year.  Not that it took me 5 months to finish it but it seems like it.  It is a nature scene of two hummingbirds swarming a trumpet vine.  Very pretty and now completed.
I have had a few friends comment that I should glue it & frame it. When I say "No, I don't want to do that"..then the next is "Well, what are you going to do with it"  I tell them.."Tear it apart and put it back in the box and pass it on"  They have looked at me in horror with all the time I have spent working on it.  I laugh.

Many years ago, I went to a Mandala workshop where I was honored to meet my teacher Judith Cornell.     It was a week long class and on one particular day we went to class at 8am.  We were instructed to take a vow of silence for the day.  Set an intention of something that we were ready to release and then ask the Divine for a symbol to draw as a Mandala and work on it all day till about 4 in the afternoon.  We were to pour our heart and soul into the drawing and then we would do a releasing ceremony at the end of the day.

Now, I can't remember what my intention was but I do remember pouring all of my energy into the drawing and also how hard it was for me to keep my big mouth shut..hahaa.
Well, the ceremony was held outside where we were instructed to say a prayer of release and burn the drawing we had worked so hard on all day.  Wow.  What a lesson on attachment.
I had only worked one day on that drawing and the first thought of panic was incredible.  Makes me think how much longer I spend on whatever difficulty I want to release!
I have to confess that I wasn't one of the first that volunteered to burn my drawing.  Some even refused!  They did not want to let go.  But isn't that how it is in life.  With whatever we have invested so much time and effort to is hard to accept that it is time to Let It Go...
So, I will wait a few days, maybe even a week and then I will pull the puzzle apart and Let It Go...

Non-attachment does not mean a lack of love just makes one aware of the impermanence of everything in life.  The more you hold on, the harder it is to move forward and accept the next puzzle of life!

***Blessed be My Teacher and Friend, Judith Cornell who passed to the next life this past May.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and and profound vision with us all.  I am forever grateful for your presence in my life!***