The sky is falling, the sky is falling! I was reading a bit more about the satellite that is falling from the sky this week on Very interesting times we live in!
Who knew as a child when Chicken Little was just to remind us not to be listening to doom and gloom!
Now, the real news is warning us that Yes, at the end of the week watch out!! The sky WILL be falling.
Isn't that how life is though? Those unexpected events with little warning flying out of the sky at us!
Of course, when those out of the blue events are blessings they are a welcomed relief!
Yet, when it is falling debris who can help but wonder about random events.
My wish is that more random wonderful events cross your skies today!
Yes, on occasion we will have that falling debris that messes things up but better yet to look to the skies for that falling love, kindness and friendship that just happens out of the blue!
As ole Willie sings in the back ground .."Blue skies, smilin' at me, nothing but blue skies do I see"
Who knew as a child when Chicken Little was just to remind us not to be listening to doom and gloom!
Now, the real news is warning us that Yes, at the end of the week watch out!! The sky WILL be falling.
Isn't that how life is though? Those unexpected events with little warning flying out of the sky at us!
Of course, when those out of the blue events are blessings they are a welcomed relief!
Yet, when it is falling debris who can help but wonder about random events.
My wish is that more random wonderful events cross your skies today!
Yes, on occasion we will have that falling debris that messes things up but better yet to look to the skies for that falling love, kindness and friendship that just happens out of the blue!
As ole Willie sings in the back ground .."Blue skies, smilin' at me, nothing but blue skies do I see"