Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Greetings from the Alien Capital of the Universe. Another ordinary day in Roswell. Alien Memorabilia is now being displayed downtown. New paintings on the storefronts with Flying Saucers and Alien Beer specials abound! I have friends coming to experience the Alien festival.
On a side note @ 10 am this morning the traveling Vietnam Veteran's Wall had a small parade downtown with approx. 3o people gathered to watch with little flags as it made it's way to be set up for the 4th of July celebrations. Big Motorcycle entourage followed, slowly down the street.
On a Consciousness level, things are very up in the air. Heaviness seems to reek through the streets as there have been 6 murders in the city for the month of June. Anger, people on edge in the city of Aliens. Yet, the rain last night seems to wash it all away.

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