Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Solar Eclipse & Bingo~~~

I went with a friend to Bingo at the Eagle's Club last night out on Sunset Blvd. Sounds better to say Sunset Blvd. To be truthful there is a lot of road construction and detours on Sunset..the City seems to be widening the road so it is appropriate for me to call it a Blvd.? Right?
I think Bingo is one of the few places in town that there is absolutely no evidence of Alien memorabilia or any hint of extra-terrestrial life. It is rather refreshing in this land of Aliens with slanted eyes looking at me all along main street. Sometimes a girl just has to get away!
Numbers...now that is something fun to play with. It is interesting how a certain number will come up so often in an evening and the one number that you need just seems to be stuck at the bottom of the bin. Soon you begin to wonder if, darn it, those aliens aren't up to something!
Taking the one number out of the bin...just beaming it out...poof!
That's the benefit of living in an Alien City...rather than the "devil made me do it" we have the perfect excuse of the Alien! Ha! I wonder how many kids now when they go to class can say...Well, Ma'am I was working on my homework when suddenly there was a glowing light out my window and the last thing I remember was this bright, bright light! The next thing I knew I was walking to school. And well, I just don't know but I have these strange markings on my back now. Where am I? Ohhh. Roswell! That explains everything~
Now onto the Eclipse. It is the longest Solar eclipse of the Twenty-first Century. We will miss it here in Roswell. But the other side of the world will be having a good view. You can check out the Scientific aspects on Spaceweather.com if you are so inclined.
On a more Metaphysical level it is a trigger for changes. Some believe that it is an omen of more ominous times. Like we need that right now. Change is a coming! Don't fight it! Better to flow with it. The Eclipse is in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the home, feelings, emotions and the mother in us all. She is being Eclipsed. Her light is dimming. She is being shadowed by the Moon.
Yet, the moon is also the mother, feelings & emotions. So, I would ponder that it will be a time collectively where we all might be wearing our hearts on our sleeves. Everyone be gentle with yourselves. Be gentle with others. If all else fails, go for a night of BINGO! But watch out for those pesky Aliens grabbing your balls! Pun definitely intended!!

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