Monday, August 24, 2009

Comments, Etc.

Now I think I have solved the problems for leaving comments on my blog!
Thank you for being patient with me as I scrounge through and detect the problem. I think I have it open now for everyone! Now, I need your help! Please, comment away!

It is always nice to have a dialogue going with 'Another day in Roswell'.

I guess you would say we are in the 'Dog Days of Summer' I just want to laze around like my sweet dog.
But there are things to letting go of more stuff, which I did this weekend.
The interesting thing is the emotional connection to such silly things that I will never miss but are so hard to let go of! I took small steps, a little at a time! Kind of like loosing weight, just do it one pound at a time. You can't think of how much..just little changes! I still need to get rid of more clothes. Clothes I haven't worn and probably will never wear again. It is just a part of my past personae. So, off it goes!
I can create new. We all have that opportunity everyday for something New to enter our lives!
New Joy, New Happiness.. letting go of the past just makes more room for more love, more peace. That's what I am reaching for!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Holding On~~Letting Go~~

It is the middle of August. School has begun for many kids across America and I am pondering the idea of holding on and letting go.
Whether it is wanting to hold on to summer or your child or old ways of being.
It can never happen no matter how hard we grasp.
Autumn is soon to be on the horizon.
Everything will be let go.
There are those stubborn leaves that hang on to the very last of their being and yet the cold wins out and it is forced to let go and fall.

I think it would be hard for me to live in a place that didn't have distinct seasons.

Seasons are such a lesson!

I have always in this life been one like that silly leaf and hold on till it gets so cold that I have to let go.
It is only torturous to me.
Know one else..and just like we get amazed at that stubborn leaf and it's tenacity to hang on, I amaze myself, always holding on way past the time to let go.

There is a new T.V. show out on ,I believe, A & E called Hoarders. Maybe it is an American phenomena..we hold on to things because we don't want to let go. Or maybe we can't control any of the losses in our life so we hold on to things for security.
Eventually, though as with all things there is a time to let go.
Maybe when it is just too painful to hold on any longer.
If you are stubborn, like me,then ,generally ,the cold gets to you and then you let go!

There is a time to lay dormant. Winter. To be able to bury the seeds of new hope. New vision! Creativity in the dark of the winter that will come alive in the Spring.

My goal is to let go more gracefully once I realize that, yes, here is Autumn.
It is ok and natural to let go. To rest and wait for the new cycle of regeneration and resurrection!
I silently wait..dormant, waiting for that new vision!
Will you sit with me and wait?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


High above Roswell last night was the Perseid's Meteor Shower!

I stepped out in my front yard to take a glance upwards in this Alien town which is so use to looking up!
Alas, the only thing I spotted was a few stars to the South and most of the sky was covered in a hazy cloud! No viewing from here!

Early this morning, I again glanced out to maybe watch a few meteors. Nope, the haze was still there. Sometimes that's just the way it is!

As I was having my morning cup of Joe, I was channel surfing and began listening to Joyce Meyers. She was talking about our Attitudes and how we need to sing a new song!! We get such in a rut with our attitudes and in our song..which made me think of our altitude.

Where am I flying in the scheme of things?

Two situations came to mind as I thought of the correlation between Attitude and Altitude. The Hudson River Miracle landing and the horrific crash over the Hudson this past weekend. The pilot who was able to land the plane in the Hudson had alot of experience gliding and using his ability of staying calm and focused. He was able to come down okay.

In the other instance, there was too much traffic and it was impossible to see each other that caused the crash.

Maybe I can learn something from this...using a metaphor. If we practice a lot gliding..maintaining our balance, focusing our attention maybe just maybe when those emergencies happen all of the practice emotionally will help us out. We shift into maintaining balance and altitude and glide down into the rough waters trusting that we have the ability to handle what comes.

In the other instance, it's important to notice what and who are around us. Is something or someone becoming a threat to our safety? We have to adjust our altitude!! Sometimes the best we can do is get out of the way and quickly!! Either go up or drop down...change altitude now!! An altitude adjustment changes our attitude. We must keep on flying!

Maybe, there is another advantage of living in the Alien City...there is a constant reminder that there is a possibility that there is something more out there in as the old song goes...Fly me to the moon, let me dance among the stars.... I will be looking for you! Wink, Wink!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Speaking of Reunions...

Yesterday the news was both uplifting and horribly sad. On one side of our country there was a reunion of Mother & Child. On the other side of the country there was the horrible shooting at a Gym. One of the victim's was an expecting mother ...How horrific.

I kept hearing in my mind Paul Simon's song "Mother and Child Reunion" I had never really paid much attention to the words other that the catchy phrase of Mother Child Reunion is only a moment away...then I googled the lyrics. I think it exactly expresses yesterday's energies!

Read for yourselves!

Words & Music by Paul Simon

No, I would not give you false Hope

On this strange and Mournful day

But the mother and child reunion

Is only a motion away,

Oh, little darling of mine

I can't for the life of me

Remember a sadder day

I know they say let it be

But it just don't workout that way.

And the course of a lifetime runs over and over again.

I just cant' believe it's so,

And though it seems strange to say I never been laid so low

In such a mysterious way

And the course of a lifetime

Runs over and over again

But I would not give you false hope

On this strange and Mournful day

When the mother and child reunion

Is only a motion away

Oh, the mother and child reunion is only a moment away.

Monday, August 3, 2009

30th Class Reunion for Roswell & Goddard High

There was not an Alien in sight for our 30th Reunion! When I was going to school we never talked about such things and to my pleasant surprise there again was little mention of the Alien Phenomena that seems to envelope our home town! It was wonderful to see old friends and meet some new! The best I have to say was the Dancing! I'm the little red head girl..which are you?

Thanks to all those folks who put this together!
You all did a wonderful job! I am so glad we combined Roswell High & Goddard! Cheers!