High above Roswell last night was the Perseid's Meteor Shower!
I stepped out in my front yard to take a glance upwards in this Alien town which is so use to looking up!
Alas, the only thing I spotted was a few stars to the South and most of the sky was covered in a hazy cloud! No viewing from here!
Early this morning, I again glanced out to maybe watch a few meteors. Nope, the haze was still there. Sometimes that's just the way it is!
As I was having my morning cup of Joe, I was channel surfing and began listening to Joyce Meyers. She was talking about our Attitudes and how we need to sing a new song!! We get such in a rut with our attitudes and in our song..which made me think of our altitude.
Where am I flying in the scheme of things?
Two situations came to mind as I thought of the correlation between Attitude and Altitude. The Hudson River Miracle landing and the horrific crash over the Hudson this past weekend. The pilot who was able to land the plane in the Hudson had alot of experience gliding and using his ability of staying calm and focused. He was able to come down okay.
In the other instance, there was too much traffic and it was impossible to see each other that caused the crash.
Maybe I can learn something from this...using a metaphor. If we practice a lot gliding..maintaining our balance, focusing our attention maybe just maybe when those emergencies happen all of the practice emotionally will help us out. We shift into maintaining balance and altitude and glide down into the rough waters trusting that we have the ability to handle what comes.
In the other instance, it's important to notice what and who are around us. Is something or someone becoming a threat to our safety? We have to adjust our altitude!! Sometimes the best we can do is get out of the way and quickly!! Either go up or drop down...change altitude now!! An altitude adjustment changes our attitude. We must keep on flying!
Maybe, there is another advantage of living in the Alien City...there is a constant reminder that there is a possibility that there is something more out there in space...so as the old song goes...Fly me to the moon, let me dance among the stars.... I will be looking for you! Wink, Wink!
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