Monday, October 26, 2009


My mind rambles to that saying about "suffer the little children" from the Sermon on the Mount..and "in the world ye shall have tribulation" is just the way that it is.
The more that I accept this fact, the easier it is for me to find peace. Suffering is the absence of Peace.
Peace, even though things didn't turn out the way that I wanted. Peace in the face of prejudice and hatred.
Peace, that this too shall pass.
Peace, that no matter what occurs in the future we all will have the strength to endure and we may suffer but knowing that there is a kind Hand that will be there when we reach out will bring comfort.

I have a hard time dreaming of the future. I am in the process of Not looking at the Past and just being here now. Do you know how hard that is?
In the matter of minutes I am drawn into the waters of the Past or swiftly moved by the current of my mind to what I expect the Future to hold. But really no one knows.

The gift truly is in the present! This moment is all I have and I can choose to Suffer or I can choose to be at Peace. Which will I cling to?
I am reminded of that old hymn...

When Peace like a river attendeth my way..when sorrows like sea billows roll ...what ever my lot Thou hast taught me to say It is is well with my soul!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Morning thoughts..

It has been a couple weeks since I have jotted down some notes. The most heartfelt thing that has happened in Roswell as of late is there have been now 3 deaths from the H1N1 virus. A 17 year old, 37 & now today in the news a 15 year old. I was watching 60 Minutes last night and they were talking about it being in the same vein as the 1918 flu. All I know is that it is fatal quickly on relatively healthy individuals. So, we all carry around Germ-X,(I wish I had stock in that) and hope for the best. I got a flu shot this year which is a first for me. I babysit twins and they got their shots so thought I had better too! I am hesitant though of the H1N1 shot. There is so much controversy about it. When I hear that nurses and other health care workers are not wanting to take it, THAT makes me leery. It is a mute point right now as there is no vaccine available in Roswell. The first doses we received were given to the hospital workers.

On a much lighter note, the weather has been beautiful. I winterized my air conditioner and thought about putting up the fans but it will be in the 80's this week so I might still need them. It was peaceful this weekend. Leaves falling gently to the ground and I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the dawn of another day in Roswell.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Alien museum news!

Weather: Roswell, NM | Now: 72° 10/1/09

Here is an article from the Roswell Daily Record that I thought everyone might enjoy! This is the newest plan for Roswell. If you are familiar with Roswell, the new museum will be located across from our Alien Themed McDonalds! It definately is an unworldly time and place to be right now as the world is shaking all around us! We hang on and look forward! Enjoy the article

Andrew Cone

Far out! New International UFO Museum ‘celestial navigation chart’

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Award winning architect E. Kevin Schopfer discussed his design for the new International UFO Museum to a crowd of about 150 at the Community Foundation’s Illustrious Achievement Dinner, held at the Sally Port Inn Tuesday night.

Schopfer was selected to help design the new building by the museum’s board in 2006, and discussed many of the details during the dinner. He said he first got the idea to help with the design after seeing a television program about plans to construct a new UFO museum in Roswell.

“I thought it looked very, very interesting and I called Julie [Shuster] to ask if they needed an architect,” he said. “I started sending in some sketches and eventually we got to the point where we were both comfortable that this one would be good.”

Schopfer said that in creating the design for the new museum, he and Schuster were trying to avoid the spaceship look. “We’re calling what we came up with a celestial navigation chart — it’s an alien object as opposed to an alien ship.”

Schopfer said the museum will be constructed in phases, with a final price tag in the area of $25 million.

Julie Shuster, the museum’s director, said the new building will be about 30,000 square feet and the groundbreaking will be no later than October 2010. She said the museum will be constructed on an entire city block between East Seventh and East Eighth streets and North Main Street and North Virginia Avenue.

She said some existing buildings in that block are expected to be razed and some additional museum buildings would eventually be constructed on two other lots on the east side of Virginia Avenue.

Shuster said there is always the possibility of some small changes in the design. “There’s always things that have to be fine tuned, but that design is very close, if not totally accurate.”

She said the museum is aiming for a grand opening in July 2011.

Schopfer has worked on cutting-edge architectural projects all over the world including the Mercator, a floating city of 100,000 people designed to circumnavigate the globe every three to four years. He was also instrumental in the design of the Avenger Bugatti Yacht, a 160-foot tri-hull super yacht with an elevator, a movie theater, an on-board spa and a 7,000-mile cruising range.

“He’s very visionary and he thinks globally,” Shuster said. “I don’t think he ever sleeps because he’s always coming up with new ideas.”