My mind rambles to that saying about "suffer the little children" from the Sermon on the Mount..and "in the world ye shall have tribulation"...it is just the way that it is.
The more that I accept this fact, the easier it is for me to find peace. Suffering is the absence of Peace.
Peace, even though things didn't turn out the way that I wanted. Peace in the face of prejudice and hatred.
Peace, that this too shall pass.
Peace, that no matter what occurs in the future we all will have the strength to endure and we may suffer but knowing that there is a kind Hand that will be there when we reach out will bring comfort.
I have a hard time dreaming of the future. I am in the process of Not looking at the Past and just being here now. Do you know how hard that is?
In the matter of minutes I am drawn into the waters of the Past or swiftly moved by the current of my mind to what I expect the Future to hold. But really no one knows.
The gift truly is in the present! This moment is all I have and I can choose to Suffer or I can choose to be at Peace. Which will I cling to?
I am reminded of that old hymn...
When Peace like a river attendeth my way..when sorrows like sea billows roll ...what ever my lot Thou hast taught me to say It is well..it is well with my soul!
1 comment:
Kim, It is hard to stay and set in the silence of the present. I'm not sure, you always get to pick the moment of present.
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