Yesterday, I went on my daily walk with my twin boys I am babysitting. As we were meandering down the street, the boys in their stroller, me pointing out interesting things in people's yards to them. There before us was a man down. He looked to be in his 50's with nice shorts,t-shirt & baseball cap. I thought maybe he had a heart attack while working in the yard. I reached for my phone and the CPR training kicked in. Shake & Shout! Yet, I didn't want to be too far from the babies. I kicked the man's shoes, shouting "Sir, Are you alright?, Sir, Are you alright?" while looking to see if he was breathing. Suddenly, he rose up somewhat disoriented and thanking me. I could tell he had been passed out either from drugs or alcohol. He mumbled something and said "thank you ma'am!" I went on my way fearing now for our own safety. I did not know what he was on or what he could possibly do though fortunately he didn't express any threat but you can never be sure! The surprising adrenaline that kicked in helped me to get as far away from him as possible! It was the middle of the afternoon, and a fairly nice neighborhood. You just never know.
Now, I know just how easy someone could prey on the kindness of strangers. Could I have walked by without giving immediate assistance. No..He did not look like a vagrant. Even if he had, I would have gotten help for him. He went on down the street, looking a bit disoriented but gone none the less. We continued on our walk while, I thought about how I might need to carry some Pepper spray and saying a prayer of thanks!
Times have changed ..Instead of Lions, Tigers and Bears..it seems to be our own species we have to worry about. I guess there will always be dangers and maybe I did save him, at the very least, from a horrible sunburn!
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