This past weekend I went to a Pat Benatar concert up at the Inn of the Mountain Gods in Mescalaro,NM. It took me back in time once again. I did not realize their band formed in '79..right when I was graduating from High School. So, they are on their 30th tour reunion.
I remember the first Benatar song that I ever heard. It immediately made me a fan. For those who don't know me, I worked for sixteen years at a Home for Abused and Neglected kids. We take the kids on a summer vacation and it was on this trip..close to midnight..we were driving to Six Flags Over Texas. We were in the large Red Van we nick named the Big Ant. The kids were mostly asleep and my co-worker Cynthia popped in a tape..said it was Pat Benatar and the song "Hell is for Children" came rocking through.
If you are not familiar with that song, you might want to find it on Youtube!
I was an absolute fan there and then. Benatar sang with the angst that I felt from the kids I was listening to.
So, this concert took me back to those days and those many stories I heard and how I was honored to be a witness to the healing process of so many brave kids who had been so beaten down by the very ones who should have been loving them.
Those kids taught me by their courage to stand up and not let the abuse happen any more!
Some were too broken which is heart breaking to see.
But so many though moved on,picking up the pieces. Families of their own..hopefully stopping the cycle.
Right now,I work as a Hypnotherapist in Roswell. Now, I see adults that never had the opportunities that the kids who had gotten out of the abuse. Some who I have seen are in their 60's & 70's now. They are in the process of dealing with the pain that occurred 50 or 60 years ago!
A child's life is so precious!
What happens to them at a young age will stay with them a life time.
Be kind to the children. Protect them when you can.
Never forget and never look away.
Those who have been blessed with a pretty decent childhood count your lucky stars that you never knew that Hell is for Children...
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