Friday, July 31, 2009

Stormy Weather

A big storm rolled into Roswell last evening!
I was watching the weather channel and was ready with candles lit when it hit. The lights went out at my house and the silence was deafening! No air conditioner, refrigerator noise, no fans!
The wind blew but there was little thunder. I could hear fire engine sirens going down Main street. Power outages maybe, trees fallen on power lines. My candles were lit, though my neighbors across the street had their lights on so it was just on my side of the street.
It poured rain and like the old man, I went a'snoring!
Finally, around 9:30 the lights and all the noise in the house were buzzing again. What a quiet world it is without electricity!
Storms will always come in our lives, I just wish we had an emotional weather channel we could turn to so we would know when a personal storm was coming, how fast it was moving and anticipate how to protect ourselves!
But it seems that we just have to listen to that small voice inside that says..time to gather a few candles and where did I put those matches? I know they are here somewhere.
Then, the silence!
The storm is here and all we can do is just ride it out. Cuddle with our loved ones and hope for the best and that the candles will hold out! Then, the next morning, the next week, the next month, the next year and the next(remember Katrina, they're still cleaning up on that one) we work at cleaning up the mess. Rebuilding where we need to and throwing away the rest. Clean up can be a relief somehow.
The storm is past.
The worst is over, at least, till the next storm.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fearfully Optimistic?

I have been contemplating this photo I took a few days ago of the Buddha in my Bedroom. I wanted to post the Photo. Yet, I had no words to accompany the image. At least, none that I found worthy. The Buddha sits in silent meditation. Easier for the Buddha than for me. I lead a weekly silent meditation in Roswell. Right now we are meeting at the Adult Center but we are soon to be gathering in my office.
My office is smaller but there isn't so much rampant happenings! I actually enjoy being in the hustle of an active Center and holding the silence. My other participants don't find the banging,chatter and constant whirl of the Rock Tumbler group in the rooms down the hall. But really, isn't that the point? To be able to sit in peace amidst all of the chaos is the goal of meditation. It is much more conducive to meditate in a silent space and it is good practice. The challenge is to hold that peace when the noise comes..either from the chatter in your own mind or the chatter from the world around. To smile at both,to smile with a knowing that Peace Abides here. That is my goal. I am not there yet. Practice,Practice! My most wonderful teacher Judith Cornell taught me with every question I asked her answer was: Meditate,Meditate,Meditate. Frustrating as that is when faced with real life situations I have to admit that she is right. Meditation is the foundation to build life on. It is an opportunity to connect in with the grand scheme and to realize what seems so big in the mind at the moment might not be all that we thought once we take the time to take a big breath and realize "It is well with my soul"
So, sitting here in Roswell, I meditate, meditate, meditate.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Solar Eclipse & Bingo~~~

I went with a friend to Bingo at the Eagle's Club last night out on Sunset Blvd. Sounds better to say Sunset Blvd. To be truthful there is a lot of road construction and detours on Sunset..the City seems to be widening the road so it is appropriate for me to call it a Blvd.? Right?
I think Bingo is one of the few places in town that there is absolutely no evidence of Alien memorabilia or any hint of extra-terrestrial life. It is rather refreshing in this land of Aliens with slanted eyes looking at me all along main street. Sometimes a girl just has to get away! that is something fun to play with. It is interesting how a certain number will come up so often in an evening and the one number that you need just seems to be stuck at the bottom of the bin. Soon you begin to wonder if, darn it, those aliens aren't up to something!
Taking the one number out of the bin...just beaming it out...poof!
That's the benefit of living in an Alien City...rather than the "devil made me do it" we have the perfect excuse of the Alien! Ha! I wonder how many kids now when they go to class can say...Well, Ma'am I was working on my homework when suddenly there was a glowing light out my window and the last thing I remember was this bright, bright light! The next thing I knew I was walking to school. And well, I just don't know but I have these strange markings on my back now. Where am I? Ohhh. Roswell! That explains everything~
Now onto the Eclipse. It is the longest Solar eclipse of the Twenty-first Century. We will miss it here in Roswell. But the other side of the world will be having a good view. You can check out the Scientific aspects on if you are so inclined.
On a more Metaphysical level it is a trigger for changes. Some believe that it is an omen of more ominous times. Like we need that right now. Change is a coming! Don't fight it! Better to flow with it. The Eclipse is in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the home, feelings, emotions and the mother in us all. She is being Eclipsed. Her light is dimming. She is being shadowed by the Moon.
Yet, the moon is also the mother, feelings & emotions. So, I would ponder that it will be a time collectively where we all might be wearing our hearts on our sleeves. Everyone be gentle with yourselves. Be gentle with others. If all else fails, go for a night of BINGO! But watch out for those pesky Aliens grabbing your balls! Pun definitely intended!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Roswell, an example of how far we have come.

I was recently reading about Copernicus in the book On the Shoulder of Giants. Just as a refresher for you Copernicus main theory was that the planets and Sun did not revolve around the earth! He died in 1543. He was a Polish priest who kept fairly quiet about his theories as not to upset the church. He did write but refused to publish his findings. He quietly gave his writings to his most loyal friends as he understood the danger of such suppositions and how threatening they were to the set Establishment of Reality! On the Revolutions was eventually published but it was the year of his death so he did not endure for too long the criticism of his peers. It was attacked by the Protestants who found his theories "unbiblical"

But later, there was a Italian scientist named Giordano Bruno ( I don't think any relation to the Bruno movie that's just out...I'll save that for another Blog)

This Bruno suggested that space had No boundaries and that the Solar System might be one of many systems in the universe. Bruno believed that there were an infinate amount of worlds in the Universe with Intelligent life and maybe some beings were superior to humans!

Quoted from On the Shoulders of Giants:

"Such audacity brought Bruno to the attention of the Inquisition, which tried and condemned him for his heretical beliefs. He was burned at the stake in 1600."

Now 500 years later, in Roswell,NM USA...I am standing in line at Wal-mart glancing over at our Alien store that sells all sorts of T-Shirts, shot glasses, blow up alien beings, postcards etc. in the front of the store.

Chatting in line with others casually about the possibilities of something more! No fear of being burned and in fact not even scorned if by chance I do believe! I am met with excitement and wonder! Have I seen something up in the sky...and I wonder..Just like Ellie from the movie Contact. "Seems like an awful waste of space"

What will we discover in the next 500 years? What will we as a Society come to realize as truth that will shatter our thoughts of Reality?

Some believe in Armageddon,that the world will just end in a blaze of I am reminded of that song from Country group Sugarland..

"Armageddon could be knocking at my door but I ain't going answer that's for sure! There's got to be something more."

it is my thought Jungian as it is..Roswell is an Archtype where Space touched Earth! Maybe that's why so many people from all over the world have to trek here! Somehow Roswell is the tangible place that people can walk the streets and laughingly talk about possiblities without the fear of ridicule but a twinkle in the eye and always the thought..well, maybe!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Three of the Five Racoons have been caught. It has been 2 days since I have heard them. So the remaining 2 may have hit the road. Roswell is Hot this week. The Alien Madness has dwindled down now, to a Hum. I am watching my sunflowers begin to unfold and pondering what next will be. I wake up in the morning satisfied with the Peace that I feel. A Peace that has been missing for such a long time. Drinking my coffee knowing that for now, Peace and I am satisfied with that!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1:11 a.m. The dog went crazy barking in the back patio. There were 5 raccoons walking along the fence..jumped off onto the roof. What a crazy way to awaken in the night. It is the 1st time I have ever seen Raccoons in Roswell and I have lived here all my life! I was struck by their Masks.

Wondering how many masks I have and realizing sometimes they are necessary. Especially if you go marauding around the neighborhood as my clan did last night! Ha!

Old military planes are flying low over Roswell today as Vendors are preparing for the Weekend Events. It is hotter today and I hope to sneak away to a Movie a little later in the day!