Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We have been living in a drought for a very long time here in Roswell.  I feel as if my soul has been living in a drought also~
Last April was the last time that I have blogged and I am so sorry for the delay.

When one is living in a drought it is hard to have anything grow in your life.  To have no rain..no moisture to calm and soothe the soil/soul.  The ground gets hard and tough.  New growth struggles in the heat.  I feel as if the heat is never ending.  Hot and dry on the outside...Hot and dry on the inside.  Waiting..waiting for the rain..waiting for relief from the grief ..waiting for that cooler day where the light is not so intense.
Just this afternoon..there is thunder..a reminder that rain is possible that I will not just dry up and blow away.  There is relief.  Yes, relief after a fire filled summer.  Cool rain on my window pane/pain.
Weariness subsides as the cool mist comes closer and closer..Sweet Rain cleanse my soul...cleanse my pain..tomorrow will come again and again but will the rain?