Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Silence is Golden..

Duct tape is Silver........I have been quiet this past month.  Events in life happen and there are few words that seem appropriate to speak.  Sometimes silence holds the key!  I do, at times, must confess that a little duct tape for myself would be handy.  Seems that when I get nervous or upset I seem to babble on about silly things that probably nobody is interested in.  The rattling of my own voice somehow takes me away from what ever is happening that I find difficult. 
 So, I just wanted to throw out random tidbits of happenings here in Roswell.  Spring is at hand and the trees are blooming.  Iris have begun their blooming.  I believe next week will be the annual Iris show.  Always a beautiful thing to attend.  It is usually held out at the Roswell Mall but I haven't heard yet where it will be this year.  I love the beauty of everything coming alive.  My roses all have buds on them and might bloom a little early this year as we have had so much more rain this year. 
 It takes those silent times to nurture that which is being planted deep within our souls.  Those little ideas and dreams need to be tended to carefully and treated gently.  Sometimes, silence is a sign of faith.  When we feel that the Divine is silent then we know that things are being planted in our life. We have not been forgotten or ignored.  Enjoy the silence and as Sherlock Holmes would say.."Something is a'foot!"